안녕하세요 발레리나, 사단법인 대표이사 서희 입니다.

현역 무용수로 활동 하며 시작한 법인일은 쉽지않고 더디지만 기부 라는 고귀한 특권을 누릴 수 있어 제 삶은 더 행복하고 풍요롭습니다. 작은 법인의 큰 꿈을 여러분도 함께해주세요.



Greetings. I am ballerina Hee Seo, President of Hee Seo Foundation.
Establishing an incorporated association was uneasy yet a slow task for me as an active dancer. However, the opportunity of a contribution was a noble privilege for me which enriched my life and made me even happier than before. I ask for your kind support in achieving the grand dream of one Foundation.
Thank you very much.



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